Of course with all this naked pixel flesh around body hair mods are useful, unless you’re aiming for the porn star look. Legitimately you can enhance your female Sims physique without mods, yet Mr Sim will always look a bit flat in comparison. Gentlemen are going to need some additional resources so they don’t look like an action man. Skinny dipping is always going to happen especially with high free will, but now you can actually choose for them to swim, sunbathe even sleep naked. Nude Clothing mods enable you to choose naked outfits in the dresser/CAS. With the ugly screen grabbing ‘blur’ out of the way Sims can behave more naturally. That way Sims change into their bathing costumes when they take a bath or shower, and of course remain fully clothed when they use the toilet. But, I also use the never nude trait for the very young and very old Sims, to protect their modesty.

The bottom line really is all about choices and how people want to play the game, for me personally I remove the pixalated censor because I think it looks ridiculous on horses in a field. Now I know the game was originally conceived with youngsters in mind, but if Maxis/EA didn’t want kids to see naked pixels why on earth did they go into so much detail with muscles, body hair and breast enlargers! Sexy, show off or simply nature loving, some Sims just can’t seem to keep their clothes on. Although there’s nothing more sinister than naked bottoms on this page, please bear in mind it does contain links to other websites with adult content.